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 Post subject: New Tools for Addressing Emails in iForgeAhead
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:20 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:00 am
Posts: 355
When emailing an invoice or other document from iForgeAhead, you will notice a number of enhancements that make it easier to address the email and improve the likelihood that it gets delivered.

Please review the 3 tools below so that you can put these features to use.

1. Screen for Valid Address Formats

Before the email is even sent, iForgeAhead checks that the address(es) it is going to have a valid format, which is basically:


If any of the addresses in the “To” field do not match this format, you will see the error below, and the email cannot be sent.
Email_InvalidFormat.png [ 24.66 KiB | Viewed 14108 times ]

NOTE: This process does not guarantee that the address is valid or that the email will be delivered, it simply screens for the most obvious problems in an address.

2. Save New or Changed Email Addresses

If you change the address in the “To” field, you can click the Save button to have that address saved permanently to the contact’s record. (See screenshot below)

So, if you haven’t already entered a client’s email address in their contact record, and you are trying to send them an invoice, simply enter their address in the “To” field, click in another field or on the background, and then click the Save button. The next time you want to email them an invoice, the “To” field will automatically be filled out from their contact record.
Email_SaveNewAddress.png [ 21.39 KiB | Viewed 14108 times ]

NOTE: The Save button is not available for reports that are not inherently linked to a contact, such as Business Reports.

3. Lookup Email Addresses

The email form now includes a Find button, which allows you to lookup the email address of any contact in the system:
Email_FindAddresses.png [ 22.27 KiB | Viewed 14108 times ]

Clicking this button will display a popup window with all active contacts (see screenshot below). You can select one or more contacts and click the OK button, and their addresses will automatically be added to the “To” field.

TIP: Instead of paging through the list to find a specific contact, you can type the first letter or two of their name in the filter box above the Name column to quickly jump to the records that match what you type.

Email_SelectAddresses.png [ 38.58 KiB | Viewed 14108 times ]

Julie Schwalm

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