Great Support
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Author:  jfoldberg [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Support

We have used Forgeahead for quite awhile and have been very happy with it. Since our business is growing we recently added a business manager to the business and moved to iForgeAhead. This transition allowed us an opportunity to really expand how we use the software and to update our client information. Throughout the process Julie has been very helpful, informative and quick to respond to questions. She even offered to help us over a 3 day weekend. She personifies the phrase "great product support". Thank you Julie for all your help in making the adjustments, answering our questions and the great customer spreadsheet you created. You saved us a LOT of work!
John Foldberg

Author:  admin [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Great Support

You are very welcome!

Thanks so much for the feedback :D

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